Sim. 5-Axis Coordsys

The Coordsys page enables you to define the Coordinate System appropriate for the operation. Choose an existing Coordinate System from the list or click Define to define a new one. The CoordSys Manager dialog box is displayed. This dialog box enables you to define a new Coordinate System directly on the solid model.

When the Coordinate System is chosen for the operation, the model is rotated to the selected CoordSys orientation.

In a Sim. 5-Axis operation, you have to choose only the Machine Coordinate Systems. The Sim. 5-Axis tool path generated relative to the Machine Coordinate System contains the tool path positions and tool axis orientation at each tool path position. The tool path is generated in the 4/5-axes space relative to the Machine Coordinate System. The Machine Coordinate System is defined relative to the center of the rotation of the machine (CNC-Machine origin).