Tilted to surface normal by fixed angle

With this option, the tool is tilted in the tilting plane defined by a surface normal at the contact point and the specified tilt axis. The tilting is performed relative to the surface normal.


Tilt angle

This parameter defines the angle of the tool tilting from the surface normal in the tilting plane.

Tilted to

This option enables you to define the direction of the tilt axis. SolidCAM enables you to choose one of the Coordinate System axes (X, Y or Z) or define the tilt axis by a line. When the Line option is chosen, click the Data button to pick the start and end points of the tilt axis line directly on the solid model.


Pole Limit

This option enables you to limit the tool tilting, occurring beyond the selected tilt axis to avoid pole problems that can cause heavy table rotations on the machine.

When this check box is selected, the tool will not be tilted beyond the selected tilt axis in any tool path point; it will be tilted only until the point when the tool axis is parallel to the defined tilt axis.

When this check box is not selected, the tool will overtilt the defined tilt axis.

The Pole limit check box is available only for the Tilted to surface normal by fixed angle tool tilting strategy.

Tool axis crosses tilt axis

When this check box is not selected, SolidCAM checks the tool axis and tilt axis for intersections. In case of intersection, the tool axis is changed to be coincident with the tilt axis. In such manner, the tool axis cannot intersect with the tilt axis.

When this check box is selected, SolidCAM does not check for the intersections; the tool axis can therefore cross the tilt axis.


Flip tool axis

This option enables you to reverse the tool axis direction in the tilting plane relative to the surface normal.