
This subheader enables you to control different aspects related to procedures execution.

Parameter Name


PRP Name

Procedures Defines whether or not procedures can be generated in the GCode. gen_procs
Sub-Procedures Defines whether or not internal procedures of the operation will be generated. gen_internal_proc
Procedures in Drill If several Drilling operations have the same drill points, choose if you want them stored in a single separate procedure. drill_proc
Numerate Procedures Separately for Every Split Defines whether or not all GCode programs created in a part with splits have subroutines that start with the same number of the first block. same_sub_numbers
Initialize GPP Variables Every Split Defines whether or not all GPP variables will be initialized in every GCode program in part with splits. init_var_after_split
Optimize operations loops

Saves tool paths among continuous operations that have the same Edit operations.

Used for Milling only.

Loop Exist

YES = generates pcode @ loop.

Otherwise, instead of @ loop, generates @ change_ref_point for transformation and @ rotate for rotation.

Procedures in Turning Indicates whether a separate procedure is generated for geometric points of a turning process (YES) or the points will be generated immediately after the cycle (NO). turn_proc
Procedures in Combine Turning Generates a procedure of common geometric points for several cycles. turn_common_procs
Procedures in Turning With Single line Specifies the GCode format if the cycle geometry is a single line. gen_single_line_proc