CNC-Machine kinematic type

Choosing a set of certain axes for various machine devices enables you to define the type of the kinematics of the CNC-Machine.

The following types are supported by SolidCAM according to the location of the rotation axes on the devices of CNC-Machine:


In this type of CNC-machines, both rotation axes are mounted on the turret (spindle) of the CNC-Machine.


kinematic_type = HEAD_HEAD


In this type of CNC-machines, both rotation axes are mounted on the CNC-Machine table.


kinematic_type = TABLE_TABLE_NEW


In this type of CNC-machines, one rotation axis is mounted on the turret (spindle) and the other is located on the table of the CNC-Machine.


kinematic_type = HEAD_TABLE

When the kinematic_type parameter is not specified in the MAC file, SolidCAM uses the following default value:

kinematic_type = HEAD_HEAD

Related Topics

  1. CNC-machine definition