Defining the tool

At this stage, you can review the default tool and its kinematic relationship with the CNC-Machine components.

The tool with holder is mounted on the CNC-Machine spindle unit (Z-axis). The tool item is preceded by a series of coordinate system transformations that define the kinematic relationship between the tool and the CNC-Machine components. In the default state, the station_transform, adaptor_transform, and holder_transform items have the same values, but they can change when Machine Simulation of a certain part is loaded.

The tool_tip_1 item defines the default model of the tool.

The tool geometry with the hard-coded name Tool is related to the tool.stl file. In the process of the CNC-Machine definition this file does not exist. It will be automatically created during the simulation. Every time during the simulation this file will be overwritten with the actual tool data.

Related Topics

  1. CNC-machine definition