Internal mode

With the Internal mode, the project you create is saved inside a SOLIDWORKS part (*.SLDPRT, *.SLDASM).

This option enables you to create any number of CAM-Parts stored within the SOLIDWORKS part.

  • Using SOLIDWORKS Part Only edition, you can save your projects only as parts (*.SLDPRT).

  • Using other editions of SOLIDWORKS, you can save your projects both as parts and assemblies (*.SLDPRT, *.SLDASM).

CAM-Part name

In this field, you enter the name for the CAM-Part. Give any name to identify your machining project. By default, the name of the design model is used.


This field enables you to add a description for distinguishing different projects based on the same model. This item appears later in the right pane in the list of the Existing CAM-Parts.


This section enables you to define the measurement units to be used in the current CAM-Part.

Existing CAM-Parts

This section contains a list of all CAM-Parts defined within the current model.

Managing existing CAM-Parts

Once you have opened a model with several CAM-Parts stored in it, the Select CAM-Part dialog box is displayed.

Using this dialog box, you can manage the CAM-Parts.

The Auto-open single CAM-part enables you to skip the Select CAM-Part dialog box and immediately open a part containing only one CAM-Part.

enables you to open the selected CAM-Part.

 enables you to delete the selected CAM-Part.