
The Regular tab enables you to define the parameters for clearance plane and machining levels.


Clearance plane

This option enables you to define the Clearance area by plane. The tool performs a retract movement to the Clearance area plane, and then a rapid movement in this plane.

The plane orientation is defined by a vector normal to the plane. With the In X, In Y and In Z options, SolidCAM enables you to define this vector as one of the Coordinate System axes (X, Y or Z).

The User-defined direction option provides you with an additional capability to define the plane by an arbitrarily-oriented vector.

The vector direction is defined by its coordinates (dX, dY and dZ parameters). Using , you can pick the start and end points of the vector directly on the solid model, or use to select the entire face.

Selecting the Detect plane height automatically check box, automatically chooses the most suitable clearance height in defined Clearance plane (X, Y, Z and User-defined).

The Plane height parameter defines the distance between the appropriate Coordinate System plane and the Clearance area plane. This option is not available when the Detect plane height automatically check box is selected.



The Levels parameters enable you to define the Retract and Safety distances to approach and retract from the part.

  • Retract distance

In the Clearance area, the tool turns to the final orientation for the first cut. After the rotation, the tool performs a rapid descent movement to the level specified by the Retract distance parameter.

  • Safety distance

After the descent movement to the Retract distance level, the tool starts the approach movement to the material. The approach movement consists of two segments. The first segment is performed with rapid feed up to safety distance. From the safety distance level, the approach movement is performed with the cutting feed.

  • Exit safety distance

Upon retraction, the tool ascends to the Exit safety distance.


The Advanced tab enables you to define the parameters to control rapid retracts.

Arc fit

SolidCAM enables you to fit an arc to sharp angles. The arc can be fit at all the moves that go to the Clearance area, Retract distance, and Safety distance. The fitted arc radius is determined by the Arc radius field.