Introduction and Basic Concepts

The SolidCAM Automatic Holes Feature Recognition and Machining (AFRM) module enables you to automatically recognize holes in the Solid model and generate the tool path for machining.

  1. At the first stage of the AFRM process, SolidCAM recognizes all Hole Features from the solid model and classifies them.
  2. SolidCAM analyzes the manufacturability of the recognized features and converts the Hole Features into Machinable Hole Features by making the necessary changes of the Hole Feature components.
  3. SolidCAM distributes Machinable Hole Features to Feature Sets related to the previously defined Coordinate Systems.
  4. For each Feature Set, SolidCAM searches for a suitable technology in the Technology Database (TDB) and for tools in the Part Tool Library. The appropriate technology will be converted to SolidCAM Operations.

Types of Hole Features

All the holes recognized by SolidCAM can be classified as Simple Hole Features or as Compound Hole Features.

Simple Hole Features

A Simple Hole Feature is a cut in the solid body generated by the figure of revolution. The diameter of a Simple Hole can be constant or changing. A Simple Hole can be Blind or Through.

Blind Simple Hole Feature

Through Simple Hole Feature

Compound Hole Features

A Compound Hole Feature is also generated by the cut of the figure of revolution.

The diameter of the Compound Hole Feature is constant or decreasing at the start of the hole and increasing at the end of the hole. The Compound Hole Feature can be only Through.

Disconnected Hole Features

SolidCAM recognizes Disconnected Hole Features containing a number of ”broken” holes consisting of coaxial and coradial segments divided by the model elements.

Holes with undercuts

SolidCAM recognizes the holes with undercuts.

Blind Hole Feature with undercut

Compound Hole Feature with undercut

Through Hole Feature with undercut