Theoretical Rest Areas dialog box

This dialog enables you to define set of the model faces and a number of parameters for the theoretical rest material areas generation.


Include corner fillets

In corner area, the angle is degenerate. Use this option to include or exclude all corner areas from the rest area boundaries.

Min. material depth

The smallest amount of material to be found in areas included in the rest area boundary prior to rest machining. If the reference tool left parts of the material with less than this amount, those material areas would not be included in the rest area boundaries. The Min material depth should be greater than the cusp height left by the passes of the imaginary reference tool path. If the Min material depth is smaller than the cusp height left by the passes of the imaginary reference tool path the whole area machined by the reference tool will be included in the rest area boundary.

Reference tool

This section enables you to specify the tool with which the Theoretical Rest Areas will be calculated. This tool is usually larger than the tool that will be used to cut the rest areas. The reference tool is used to represent an imaginary tool path, and the rest areas are created assuming that the tool path had been created.

Define the size of the tool by inserting values into the Tool diameter and Corner radius fields.