Custom Device

You can define any number of additional devices and customize them according to your needs.


Custom Device Main Parameters

For the Custom Device definition, refer to section: Common Main Parameters


Custom Device Options

The Custom Device Options include all the parameters available for both the machine and the main devices.

Dwell Option to handle custom device dwell NONE/VALUE
Machine Stop Custom device stop ON/NONE
Optional Stop Custom device optional stop ON/NONE
Machine Power Option to handle custom device power by GCode function NONE/OFF
Machine Light Option to handle custom device light by GCode function NONE, ON/OFF
Door Option to handle opening and closing the custom device door by GCode function NONE, OPEN/CLOSE
Mist Collector Option to handle custom device mist collector by GCode function NONE, ON/OFF
Oil Skimmer Option to handle custom device oil skimmer by GCode function NONE, ON/OFF
Transfer Mode Option to define whether or not the custom device is in the transfer mode NONE, MILLING/TURNING
Activate Air Option to handle custom device air coolant by GCode function NONE, ON/OFF
Coolant Mist Option to handle custom device mist coolant by GCode function HIGH/LOW/OFF,NONE, ON/OFF, VALUE/OFF
Coolant Flood Option to handle custom device flood coolant by GCode function HIGH/LOW/OFF, NONE, ON/OFF, VALUE/OFF)
Coolant Flood Through Table Option to handle through table flood coolant by GCode function HIGH/LOW/OFF, NONE, ON/OFF, VALUE/OFF
Activate Air Through Spindle Option to handle through spindle air coolant by GCode function NONE, ON/OFF
Chip Conveyor Option to handle custom device chip conveyor by GCode function NONE, ON/OFF, CW/CCW/OFF
Bed Rinsing Option to handle custom device bed rinsing by GCode function NONE, ON/OFF

Coolant Through Tool

Option to handle through tool coolant by GCode function HIGH/LOW/OFF, NONE, ON/OFF, VALUE/OFF
Min Quantity Lubrication Option to define the minimum quantity of lubrication by GCode function NONE, VALUE/OFF
Rotation Option to handle spin rotation direction by GCode function NONE, CW/CCW, CW/CCW/OFF
Spindles Synchronization Option to synchronize the custom device spindle with other device’s spindle by GCode function NONE, ON/OFF

Axes Synchronization

Option to synchronize the custom device axes with other device’s axes by GCode function NONE, ON/OFF
Tool Measure Option to handle measuring of the tool mounted on custom device by GCode function NONE, YES/NO
Check Tool Breakage Option to check if the tool is damaged by measuring its radius and/or length NONE, VALUE
Spindle Orientation Option to handle custom device spindle position by GCode function


Reverse Option to rotate the custom device by 180° around the motion direction NONE, ON/OFF
Vacuum Pump Option for availability of a vacuum pump NONE, ON/OFF
Working Mode Option to define whether or not the 4th Axis is enabled NONE, MILLING/TURNING

Cut Off Confirmation

Option to confirm if cut off is completed


Change Pallet Option of automatic pallet change NONE, VALUE
Clamp Option to release and clamp workpiece OPEN/CLOSE
Check Torque Option of checking the torque NONE, ON/OFF, VALUE

Machining Records

Option to record machining time


Act Option of activating the custom device to advance and retract NONE, ADVANCE/RETRACT, ON/OFF,ON
Lid Option to handle opening and closing the lid of the custom device by GCode function NONE, OPEN/CLOSE
Jaws Option to handle releasing and clamping the jaws of the custom device by GCode function NONE, OPEN/CLOSE

Custom Device Coordsys

Refer to the Turret CoordSys.