Turret Axes

The number of machine axes refers to the ability of the CNC-Machine to perform movement about different axes. In most CNC-milling machines, the movement starts with three primary linear axes: X, Y and Z. The rotary axes are provided by the machine ability to rotate about an axis. For example,Rx-axis rotates parallel and about X-axis, Ry-axis rotates parallel and about Y-axis, Rz-axis rotates parallel and about Z-axis.

Axes Order

To add a new Axis, right-click the Machine header or the relevant axis in the tree and choose Add Axis from the menu.

The order of axes placement one under another is very important. The axis located higher in the hierarchy is considered as a parent to the axis located lower. When a parent axis moves or rotates, it affects a child axis.

Axis Main Parameters


Enter the axis name.

Axis Type

Choose either Linear or Rotary type of axis.

Axis Vector

Choose the axis vector from the list or select and define a new one relative to the Device CoordSys.

Rotation Point

Set the axis rotation point relative to the Device CoordSys (for rotary axis).

Home Reference

Enter the parking position of the device.

Min Limit (deg)

Enter minimum limit value of the current axis.

Max Limit (deg)

Enter maximum limit value of the current axis.

Interpolation Step (deg)

Enter the minimal step of for the current machine axis. The step lesser than this value will be ignored.

Rapid (mm or inch/min)

Enter the actual axis Rapid type feed. This feed is for the purpose of machining time calculation.

Min Feed (mm or inch/min)

Enter the minimal axis feed value allowed by the machine.

Max Feed (mm or inch/min)

Enter the maximal axis feed value allowed by the machine.