Technology page

This page enables you to define the technological parameters of the machining.

Tool side

This section enables you to define the location of the tool center relative to the geometry during the operation.

  • Left

The tool cuts to the left of the geometry.

  • Right

The tool cuts to the right of the geometry.

Surface quality

This section enables you to define the parameters that affect the surface finish quality.

  • Cut tolerance

This parameter defines the tool path accuracy. The Cut tolerance parameter defines the chordal deviation between the machining surface and the tool path; the tool path can deviate from the surface in the range defined by Cut tolerance.

Tight tolerance gives you more tool path points on the drive surface resulting in more accurately generated tool path. The result is a better surface quality, but the calculation time is increased. Loose tolerance generates less points on the tool path. After the machining, the surface finish quality is lower but the calculation is much faster.

  • Distance

The Cut tolerance parameter defines the number of tool path points on a surface. The distance between these points is not constant and depends on the surface curvature: there are less points calculated on flat surfaces and more points on curved surfaces. The Distance parameter enables you to define the maximal distance between two consecutive tool path points. In other words, when the Distance option is used and the value is defined, SolidCAM generates tool path points at least at every specified distance.