Controller Definition Settings

The settings are divided into a number of groups depending on the machine type. Each group contains several parameters that can be defined in the right pane. Some parameters were inherited from the *.prp file used in the previous versions of SolidCAM.


Tilted Plane Definition

Program Numbers

Precision Definition

Arc Execution Definition

Compensation Definition

Turning Definition

Pos to Mach No Definition


Parameter Name



PRP Name

Cross Control

Enables control and access to devices from the opposite channel in MCO channel


Programming Modes

Define if the GCode output is in relative coordinate positioning mode

relative_gcode, abs_coord

Tilted Plane Definition

This section enables you to define the parameters of a tilted working plane. The parameters are used in machining operations on CNC-Machines with several heads and/or tilting tables. When physical rotary axes are missing on the machine, the tilted plane parameters give you full control over coordinates calculation.

Set the required values in each submachine's column.


Rotation Type

Select one of three options: Use Kinematic Axes /Cycle 19 / Custom


First Rotation Axis

Enabled with Custom type of rotation


Second Rotation Axis

Enabled with Custom type of rotation


Third Rotation Axis

Enabled with Custom type of rotation


Program Numbers

This section enables you to define the programs numbers separately for each channel. Set the required values in each channel's column.

Min Program Number

Minimum program number allowed


Max Program Number

Maximum program number allowed


Min Procedure Number

Minimum procedure number allowed


Max Procedure Number

Maximum procedure number allowed



 Program numbers can be defined differently as per submachine by lock icon

Precision Definition

Rotary Axis Precision

The smallest arc angle below which the arc is converted into a line for rotary axis


Movement Precision

The number of digits after the decimal point for coordinate values in generated GCode and ‘Show data” in Simulation window


Feed Precision

The number of digits after the decimal point for Feed values


Spin Precision

The number of digits after the decimal point for Spin values


 Precision Definition can be defined differently as per submachine by lock icon

Arc Execution Definition

This section enables you to define the arc parameters separately for each submachine. Set the required values in each submachine's column.

Support Arcs

Defines whether the CNC-machine has an arc command


Helical Arcs

Defines whether the CNC-machine has helical arcs


4x Helical Arcs

Defines whether the CNC-machine has arcs with different depths on 4th axis


Arc in One Quadrant Only

Defines whether an arc should be divided into quadrants


Greater Than 180deg Arcs

Defines whether the CNC-machine has arcs greater than 180°

Arcs in ZX/YZ Plane

Generate GCode that includes arcs in ZX-plane (G18) and YZ-plane (G19)


Arcs in Main Planes (XY, YZ, ZX) Only

Generate GCode that includes arcs in XY-, YZ-, and ZX-planes only. The arcs in other planes are divided to lines.

5x Arcs On Face

Generate GCode that includes arcs in face 4x

arc_5x (PTM = Y)

arc_exist (PTM = N)

5x Arcs on Radial

Generate GCode that includes arcs in radial 4x

arc_exist (PTM = N)

Max Chord Length(mm)

Along with Max Arc Angle, defines precision of interpolation of arcs to lines


Min Arc Length(mm)

The smallest arc value below which the arc is converted into a line


Max Arc Angle(deg)

Along with Max Chord Length, define precision of interpolation of arcs to lines


Min Arc Angle(deg)

The smallest arc angle below which the arc is converted into a line


Max Arc Radius(mm)

The maximum arc radius value above which the arc is divided into linear segments


Min Arc Radius(mm)

The minimum arc radius value below which the arc is divided into linear segments


 Arc Definition can be defined differently as per submachine by lock icon

Compensation Definition

This section enables you to define the compensation parameters separately for each submachine. Set the required values in each submachine's column.

Compensation Exists

Define whether the machine has tool-radius compensation capability


Compensation Needs First Line

Tool position at the start of the first block, when the tool-radius compensation is activated


Smallest Movement(mm)

The smallest value of line movement to start compensation


Min Delta Arc Rad(mm)

When compensation exists, each arc radius must not be smaller than the tool radius plus this value


Turning Definition

This section is available only for Turning and Mill-Turn machines. Set the required values in each submachine's column.

Turning Cycle   Define whether the machine has a turning cycle  turning_cylce
Groove Cycle   Define whether the machine has a groove cycle groove_cycle
Combined Cycles  

Define whether the machine has a combined cycle process in one cycle


 Turning Definition can be defined differently as per submachine by lock icon

Pos to Mach No Definition

This section is available only for machines that have posts written in the old style(PTM=N).

Tilt Axis With Deviation Angle

Plane definition with deviation angles (for GCode generation only)


Tilt Axis Dir CW & CCW

Enables choosing opposite angle pairs in operations (for GCode generation only)


Tilt Axis Direction

The direction in which the 5th Axis tilts the workpiece (for GCode generation only)


4x Direction

Defines the direction of 4x rotation (for GCode generation only)


4x Direction - Positive Only

Defines the direction of rotation of 4x Sim. operation to be positive (for GCode generation only)


Set Direction

Enables GCode that uses C-axis of machines with 4th axis (CW/CCW)


MAC Number (Center of


The home number that is the center of rotation movements during transformation


Default Machine Plane

Default machine name for home definition
