Controller Definition for Probe Operations

This section includes the list of all probe cycles. You can set parameters for each cycle individually.

Probe Cycles Definition

The following options are available on the right-click menu for a cycle:

Expand/Collapse: Expands or collapses the list of available parameters

Add Parameter: Enables you to add a new parameter

Paste Parameter: Enables you to paste a parameter copied from another cycle

Copy to Clipboard: Copying a cycle to the clipboard

Paste from Clipboard: Pasting a cycle from the clipboard

You can define a parameter for a certain cycle:

GUI Name

The parameter name displayed in the operation can be written in any language

GPP Name

The parameter name written with Latin characters set only (supported by the postprocessor)



Default Value

Value to be shown by default

Activation State

The status of activation (ON/OFF)

Action Type

For each Probe operation, you can define whether it will be used to define a Home Position, or perform a Measurement, or for both purposes.

If you select one option only, the other option is disabled in the Geometry page of the Probe Operation dialog box.