Stations Creator dialog box

This dialog box enables you to create a set of stations according to defined rules. The displayed parameters depend on the chosen turret type.

In the Stations Creator dialog box, you can define the following parameters:

Number of Tool Stations

Maximum tool stations number allowed


Distance between the station center and the tools (rotary type)

Length Between Stations

Distance between the stations' centers (non-rotary type)

Plane Height

Relative shifting of the station in the X-axis direction according to the Spindle/Linear turret coordsys (non-rotary type)

Relative shifting of the station in the Z-axis direction according to Rotary turret coordsys (rotary type)

Shift Angle

Type in the angle of the station rotation relative to the X-axis - (1, 0, 0) (rotary type only)

Stations Order Direction

Choose either clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW) direction (rotary type only)

Adaptor Type

Choose the adaptor type from the list

Default Tool Direction

Default Tool Direction related to the Device coordsys

Maximum Position Letter

Default maximum positions for all stations on specific Turret.

Drive Type

Default Drive Type for all stations on specific Turret.

Remove Old Stations

Select this option to delete all defined stations.

Clear this option to add a new set of stations

When you start creating stations, the Machine Preview dialog box is also displayed.

This dialog box enables you to preview the Coordinate Systems of different devices. The right-click menu of the graphic area provides additional options for manipulating the view.

 STL files in Machine Preview will be presented after geometry definition in Machine Simulation.