Machine control page

This page enables you to optimize the calculated tool path according to the kinematics and special characteristics of your CNC-machine.

Point interpolation

  • Interpolation angle step. This option enables you to interpolate the angular movements. A new interpolated tool axis position is defined at each angle, defined by the Interpolation angle step parameter. E.g. when the angular movement has to be performed from 10° to 22°, the Interpolation angle step value of 3° results in adding interpolated positions at 13°, 16° and 19°.

  • Interpolation for distance. This option enables you to perform interpolation for the linear tool movements. When this option is active, a new interpolated tool position is defined at each distance, defined by the Interpolation for distance parameter. E.g. when the linear tool movement is performed from 0, 0, 0 to 0, 0, 100 and the Interpolation for distance option is used with the Distance value of 10, SolidCAM adds 9 tool positions between start and end positions (0, 0, 10, then 0, 0, 20 etc.).

Machine limits

This option enables you to use the machine limits defined within the machine definition to limit the tool path movements in translational and/or rotational axis.

The following options of machine limits use are available:

  • Limits All

SolidCAM uses the machine limits defined in the machine definition for both translational and rotational movements.

  • Translational limits

SolidCAM uses the machine limits defined in the machine definition for translational movements.

  • Rotational limits

SolidCAM uses the machine limits defined in the machine definition for rotational movements.

  • No limits

All the machine limits defined in the machine definition are ignored.

When machine limits are used, the calculated tool path is checked in order to avoid exceeding the machine limits. The check is performed using the angle tolerance defined by the Angle tolerance for using machine limits (degree) parameter.

Angle tolerance for using machine limits (degree) parameter is enabled for Rotational Limits and Limits All only.