Link page

This page enables you to define the approach/retreat points and lead in/out strategies.

Approach/Retract point

The Approach point section enables you to choose the approach point from which the tool moves to the start point of the lead in movement of the cutting pass.

The Retract point section enables you to choose the retreat point to which the tool moves from the end point of the lead out movement of the cutting pass.


Approach point

Retract point

  • None


The tool path starts from the beginning of the geometry. The tool path finishes at the end of the geometry.
  • From right/left safety corner


The tool path starts from the right/left safety corner and approaches the start point by a shortest possible distance. The tool path finishes at the end point and approaches the right/left safety corner by a shortest possible distance.
  • Direct

The tool moves to the start point in a straight line. The tool retracts from the end point in a straight line.
  • Only Z/X

The tool moves along the Z-axis only (or X-axis only).

The tool moves along the Z-axis only (or X-axis only).
  • X first

The tool moves to the start point along the X-axis first, then along the Z-axis. The tool retracts from the end point along the X-axis first, then along the Z-axis.
  • Z first

The tool moves to the start point along the Z-axis first, then along the X-axis. The tool retracts from the end point along the Z-axis first, then along the X-axis.
  • Direct from previous

Tool moves in a straight line from the end point of the previous operation to the start point.  
  • X first from previous

The tool moves along the X-axis, then along the Z-axis starting from the end point of the previous operation.  
  • Z first from previous

The tool moves along the Z-axis, then along the Z-axis starting from the end point of the previous operation.  
  • Optimal from previous

The tool moves from the end point of the previous operation to the start point through an optimally calculate path.  

Lead in/out

This section enables you to define the method of tool approach/retreat and the related parameters.

  • None

When this option is chosen, no Lead in/out movement is performed.

  • Normal

When this option is chosen, the tool path consists of two parts: a line tangential to the cutting pass in its start position (Tangent extension) and a line perpendicular to it (a normal).

Lead in

Lead out

  • Tangent

When this option is chosen, the tool path consists of two parts: a line tangential to the cutting pass in its start position (Tangent extension) and a line inclined to it.

Lead in

Lead out

  • Arc

When this option is chosen, the tool path consists of two parts: a line tangential to the cutting pass in its start position (Tangent extension) and an arc tangential to this line.

Lead in

Lead out

  1. The Lead in and Lead out options are not available for CutOff operations.