Adding an operation

This command enables you to add a new operation to your CAM-Part. In SolidCAM, an operation is a single machining step. Normally you manufacture a workpiece using several machining steps and technologies.  For each of these steps you can define a separate operation. An operation can be very complex, but always uses one tool, one major geometry and executes one machining type, e.g. turning, drilling or grooving.

To add a Turning operation to your CAM-Part, do the following:

  1. In the CAM Manager, right-click the Operations header.

  2. Choose the type of operation you want to define from the Add Turning Operation submenu.

The operation is added in the end of the operations list.

You can add an operation after a specific operation in the list by right-clicking this operation and choosing the type of operation from the Add Turning Operation submenu.


Click the corresponding button on the SolidCAM Turning toolbar.

You can add an operation after a specific operation in the list by selecting this operation and then clicking a button on the SolidCAM Turning toolbar.