Clearance area

The Clearance area is the area where the tool movements can be performed safely without contacting the material. The tool movements in the Clearance area are performed with the rapid feed.

Depending on the drive surface or your machining strategy, you can choose different clearance area types:


This option is set as default. When this option is selected from the Type list, SolidCAM automatically determines the clearance area type, position and dimension to maintain the most suitable clearance level based on the part geometry and tool path type.


This option enables you to define the Clearance area by plane. The tool performs a retract movement to the Clearance area plane, and then a rapid movement in this plane.

Direction- The Direction section determines the direction of the plane normal vector.

  • The plane orientation is defined by a vector normal to the plane. With the X-Axis, Y-Axis and Z-Axis options, SolidCAM enables you to define this vector as one of the Coordinate System axis (X, Y or Z).
  • The Automatic direction is similar to the machining direction and detects the plane height automatically.
  • The User-defined direction option provides you with an additional capability to define the plane by an arbitrarily-oriented vector.

             The vector direction is defined by its coordinates (dX, dY and dZ parameters). Using the icons,  

             you can pick the start and end points of the vector directly on the solid model, or select the

             entire face.

Height- The Height section provides you the options to determine the height of tool retraction.

  • Automatic- SolidCAM automatically determines the position and dimension of the clearance plane.

  • User-defined- This option enables you to specify the Plane height value for tool retraction.



The Plane height parameter defines the distance between the appropriate Coordinate System plane and the Clearance area plane.

This option is available only when User-defined is selected from the Height list.




The Incremental height parameter defines the distance to the Incremental clearance area plane for retract movements between two cuts. It is available only when the From/To incremental clearance area options are used for First entry and/or Last exit on the Approach/Retract tab of the Link page.

Traversing type for incremental height

The tool traverses the Incremental clearance area plane using one of the following methods:

  • Step – the tool retracts and then moves horizontally between two cuts at the Incremental height.
    In the case of machining features at different levels, the retract distance from the lower cutting pass is automatically extended until it reaches the defined distance above the upper cutting pass.
  • Direct – the tool retracts and then moves directly between two cuts at the Incremental height.
    In the case of machining features at different levels, the tool can move diagonally from/to the defined distance above the upper and lower cutting passes, making the shortest possible connection.


This option enables you to define the Clearance area as a cylindrical surface enclosing the Drive surface. The tool performs a retract movement to the Clearance cylinder, and then a rapid movement along the cylinder surface.

Direction- The Direction section specifies the cylinder rotation axis direction and enables you to determine the clearance area orientation.

The X-Axis, Y-Axis and Z-Axis options enable you to define the cylinder axes only parallel to one of the Coordinate System axes (X, Y or Z).

With the Automatic option the rotation axis direction is automatically determined by the system.

The User-defined direction option provides you with an additional capability to define the cylinder axis by an arbitrarily-oriented vector. It enables you to define the direction vector by its coordinates (dX, dY and dZ parameters). Using the icons, you can pick the start and end points of the vector directly on the solid model, or select the entire face.

Radius- The Radius parameter enables you to specify the cylinder radius.

  • Automatic- SolidCAM automatically determines the cylinder radius.
  • User-defined- The Radius parameter enables you to specify the cylinder radius.


  • Automatic- By default, the cylinder axis passes through the Coordinate System origin.
  • User-defined- You can specify the cylinder axis location either by clicking or by defining the X, Y and Z coordinates of a point on the cylinder axis.


When this option is chosen, the Clearance area has a spherical shape; it should enclose your Drive surface geometry completely. The tool performs a retract movement to the Clearance sphere and then a rapid movement along the sphere surface.

Radius- The Radius parameter enables you to specify the sphere radius.

  • Automatic- SolidCAM automatically determines the spherical radius.
  • User-defined- The Radius  parameter enables you to specify the sphere radius.


  • Automatic- By default, sphere center is located at the Coordinate System origin.
  • User-defined- You can specify the sphere center location either by clicking or by defining the X, Y and Z coordinates of the sphere center point.