
The Smoothing tab enables you to define the smoothing and filtering parameters for the Multiaxis Machining operation.

This tab is available only for Radial Roughing Technology.


Smooth corners

This option enables you to create fillets in the sharp corners of the tool path. The fillet is not applied to the outer corner.

Smooth final contour

This option enables you to create fillets in the sharp corners of the outer contour. You must enter the radius of the fillet as percentage of the step over distance.

Smooth links

With this option you can smooth the links within a group. The last segments of the previous contour and the first segments of the next contour are trimmed.

Smooth distance /stepover %

This parameter specifies the value for the amount of smoothing measured from the original contour and the rounded corner as percentage of the step over.

Minimal curvature radius

This parameter specifies the minimum curvature radius of the tool path for the adaptive roughing cycle.

The options of Smooth corners, Smooth final contour, Smooth links, and Smooth distance /stepover % are available only when the Strategy is selected as Offset on the Geometry page.

The option of Minimal curvature radius is available only when the Strategy is selected as Adaptive on the Geometry page.


Filtering is used to remove small pockets and segments which are not necessary to machined.


You can choose the Type of filtering as an Inscribed circle or Diagonal length.

  • Inscribed circle- In this option SolidCAM automatically creates an inscribed circle to prevent the tool from entering extremely tight area of the geometry.

  • Diagonal length- In this option SolidCAM creates a bounding box with a specified diagonal length around the geometry to prevent the tool from entering extremely tight area of the geometry.

Threshold value in % of tool diameter

This value defines the diameter of the inscribed circle or the diagonal length of the bounding box in terms of percentage of the tool diameter.

Remove corner pegs

With this option you can remove the material left over in the corners if a high step over is used. Selecting the check box allows you to add an extra movement to the corners that removes the material left in the corners.

The option of Remove corner pegs is available only when the Strategy is selected as Offset on the Geometry page.