Surface quality

The Surface quality tab enables you to define the parameters that affect the surface finish quality.

When the Technology is selected as Radial Roughing, the Surface quality tab allows you to define the Cut Tolerance, Step down and Step over parameters.

When the Technology is selected as Wall Finishing, the Surface quality tab allows you to define the Cut Tolerance and Maximum Stepdown parameters.

When the Technology is selected as Floor Finishing the Surface quality tab allows you to define the Cut Tolerance and Maximum Step over parameters.


The Cut tolerance parameter defines the tool path accuracy.

Step down

The Step down is performed using one of the following options:

By distance enables you to define a constant distance by which the step down is performed between two roughing cuts.

By number of slices enables you to define the number of slices by which the step down is performed between two roughing cuts. The distance of the slices is determined automatically.

Clicking Advanced displays the Advanced options for step down dialog box

First step down/Final step down

With these options, you can select the respective check box to define the value of the first step down or the final step down.

Step over

Maximum step over

This parameter defines the maximum distance between two consecutive cuts.


The Scallop parameter enables you to define the cusp height of the machined surface when the Strategy is selected as Offset on the Geometry page.

Desired step over

This parameter specifies the desired value which SolidCAM tries to stick to it as long as possible.

Climb step over (%)

This parameter specifies the value of the step over when climb milling is used. The value is specified as a percent of the Desired step over.

Conventional step over (%)

This parameter specifies the value of the step over when conventional milling is used. The value is specified as a percent of the Desired step over.

Adaptive clearance

This parameter specifies the vertical retract distance clearance when working in adaptive mode.

The parameters of Desired step over, Climb step over (%), Conventional step over (%), and Adaptive clearance are available when the Strategy is selected as Adaptive on the Geometry page.

Maximum Stepdown

The option of Maximum stepdown allows you to set the value which defines the maximum portion by which the depth-step reduces.