Tilted relative to impeller machining layer

This tilting strategy is used for machining of impeller blades. Generally, the tool axis in this strategy is normal to the floor face of the impeller. The lag and side tilting can be adjusted by defining the corresponding parameters in the Angles section.

Such general tool tilting definition might cause gouges in certain types of impellers, especially in those with splitter blades, therefore additional local tilting definition might be required. Local tilting is defined by specifying the tilt lines and additional lead angles at the leading edge, splitter edge and trailing edge.


Impeller rotation axis

This parameter enables you to define the rotation axis of the machined impeller part. The rotation axis can be represented by one of the Coordinate System axes (usually the Z-axis) or an arbitrary line defined by picking points on the solid model.

The Lag angle to cutting direction value enables you to define the tool tilting in the direction of the cutting pass. The Lag angle to cutting direction parameter is measured relative to surface normal.

The Tilt angle at side of cutting direction value enables you to define the tool inclination in the direction determined by Side tilting options. The Tilt angle at side of cutting direction parameter is measured relative to surface normal.

Additional lead angle

This button displays the Additional lead angle dialog box that enables you to define the additional lead angle values at the leading edge, splitter edge and trailing edge.

  • Leading edge- this parameter defines the value of an additional tilt angle measured from the leading edge line.
  • Splitter edge- this parameter defines the value of an additional tilt angle measured from the splitter edge line.
  • Trailing edge- this parameter defines the value of an additional tilt angle measured from the trailing edge line.

Tilt lines

These lines are defined to apply additional tilting at the leading edge, splitter edge and trailing edge of the impeller blades. These lines must be located and oriented along these edges.


This parameter enables you to calculate the direction vectors for tool path tilting by approximation.