
The Sorting tab enables you to define the order and direction of the cuts.

Cutting method

This option enables you to define how the cuts are connected. It has three choices: Zigzag, One Way, and Spiral.


When the Zigzag option is chosen, the machining direction changes from cut to cut. The tool performs the machining of a cut in the specified direction, then moves to the next cut and machines it in the opposite direction.

One Way

When the One Way option is chosen, all cuts are machined in the same direction. The tool performs the machining of a cut in the specified direction, then moves to the start of the next cut and machines it in the same direction.


With the Spiral option, SolidCAM generates a spiral tool path around the drive surface according to the chosen pattern.

The spiral pitch is defined by the Max. Step over parameter.

This cutting method is available for use with all the strategies except for the Projection strategy.

Clicking Advanced displays the Advanced options for spiral machining dialog box.

Direction of machining

When the One Way or Spiral options are chosen for Cutting method, SolidCAM enables you to define the following directions of cuts:

  • The CW for closed cuts option enables you to perform the machining in the clockwise direction.

  • The CCW for closed cuts option enables you to perform the machining in the counterclockwise direction.

The options of CW for closed cuts and CCW for closed cuts are not available in Projection Technologies.

  • The Climb option enables you to perform climb milling, which is preferred when milling heat-treated alloys. Otherwise, chipping can result when milling hot rolled materials due to the hardened layer on the surface.

  • The Conventional option enables you to perform the conventional milling, which is preferred for milling of castings or forgings with very rough surfaces.

When the direction is chosen as Climb or Conventional, the Advanced button is available for selection. Click Advanced to display the Advanced options for direction of machining dialog box.

Select the Contact point based cutting directions check box to select All contours or Single contour from the list.

All contours The entire tool path is in the set direction. This option is identical to the default one however, it generates the tool path depending on the contact point.
Single contour When this option is selected, each contour is considered as a single contour and is adjusted in the correct direction depending on the proportions of the set machining direction (climb/conventional).

To ensure the correct direction in every situation, the contact point between the tool and the surface is adjusted and checked with respect to the feed direction and the respective side of the tool.

All these factors are taken into consideration while generating the tool path.

Cut order

The Cut order option enables you to define the sequence of the cuts. The following options are available:

With the Standard option, SolidCAM performs the machining from one side of the drive surface and continues to the other side.

With the From center away option, the machining starts from the center of the drive surface and continues outwards.

With the From outside to center option, the machining starts from the drive surface edges and continues inwards.

Machine by

SolidCAM enables you to define the machining order for a Sim. 5-axis operation. The Machine by list enables you to choose the order of machining of certain areas; it defines whether the surface will be machined by Lanes or by Regions.

The generated tool path usually has a topology of multiple contours (lanes) on the drive surfaces. When the tool path is generated in many zones, it might be preferable to machine all the regions independently.

Enforce closed contours

When the geometry is not completely closed, the Enforce closed contours option enables you to close the geometry and perform the machining of closed contours.

This option is available only with the CW and CCW options chosen for Direction of machining.

Flip step over

When the Standard option is chosen for the Cut order, the Flip step over parameter enables you to change the direction of the cuts.

In the image, the machining initially starts from the top of the model.

With the Flip step over option, the machining is reversed and starts from the edge.

Start point

Clicking the Start point button displays the Start Point Parameters dialog box.

Cutting side

This section enables you to position the tool at the Center, Left or Right side of the tool path.

This option is available only in Projection (User-defined and Offset) strategies.


The Reverse parameter changes the start point of the tool. When the Reverse check box is selected, the tool starts from outside and moves towards the center. If this check box is not selected, the tool moves from inside towards outside

This parameter is available only in the Projection (Radial) strategy.