Temporary Directory Cleanup

The Cleanup Temporary CAM-parts folder dialog box is displayed when the Temporary Directory Cleanup check box is selected in the CAM Settings. Enabling this option ensures that no files or folders exists in the Temporary directory, except the file currently opened or being created in SolidCAM.

When opening or creating a CAM-Part, the Cleanup Temporary CAM-parts folder dialog box shows the prz files that remained in the temporary directory.

  Message The message grid displays in detail the issue and the suggested action to be taken.   CAM-Parts This grid displays the list of CAM-Parts that were not properly closed. Check the CAM-Parts that you want to delete or click Open Folder to manually update each part.   Files and Folders This grid displays the list of Files and Folders that are in the Temporary folder. Uncheck the files and folders that you do not want to delete.   Backup The deleted file(s) will be added to the zip file for backup. Use to choose the zip file location.

The zip process can take a long time.

  Folder In this Browse zip location choose the folder and zip name used for backup.   Continue Select Continue if you want to continue without cleaning the Temporary folder.

Leaving files in the Temporary folder can cause unpredictable behavior.

  Delete Check and Uncheck the CAM-parts and files in the CAM-Parts and Files and Folders grid. Checked files will be deleted from your Computer. If you have selected Backup then a zip backup will be created.

The Deletion process can take a long time.

 Delete All All files in the CAM-Parts and Files and Folders grid will be deleted from your Computer. If you have selected Backup then a zip backup will be created.

The Deletion process can take a long time.

Cancel Select Cancel to cancel the current command.