
This command enables you to generate and display the GCode file for the CAM-Part or for machining operations. The GCode file can then be transferred to your CNC-Machine using a floppy disk, via the DNC (RS 232) or Ethernet connection.

The format of the GCode depends on the controller you selected in the Milling Part Data dialog box. The GCode output format can be customized either by using the GPP interface or by changing the controller’s *.vmid and *.gpp files. Contact technical support for more information on post-processor customization.

The GCode files location is determined on the GCode Generation page of the Part Settings dialog box.


This option generates all the GCode files for the CAM-Part. Then the file is displayed using the text editor defined in the GCode page of the SolidCAM Settings dialog box.

If any changes were made in the operation or in the *.vmid or the *.gpp post-processor files, you have to generate the GCode again.

  • GCode All

This command is available when you right-click the Operations header.

You will receive one GCode file including the necessary tool changes, unless you have separated operations or operation groups using split marks. The GCode file will be saved to the CAM-Part's directory and will carry the name: <part_name>.tap.

  • Generating GCode for a single operation or for a group of operations

    1. Click the operation you want to generate the GCode for or select a group of operations using the mouse in combination with the Shift or Ctrl key. Then right-click and choose Generate from the GCode menu.

    2. The GCode File Name dialog box prompts you to enter a name for the *.tap file.


  • Generate per operation

This command enables you to generate GCode for each selected operation in a separate file.

  • Generate with time

This command generates a temporary GCode file, which specifies the operation time in the job_time parameter. Calculating the GCode with the operation time is usually longer than calculating an ordinary GCode. This command can also be chosen in the Operation dialog box by clicking (Generate GCode with time calculation).


This option enables you to copy GCode files. When you choose this option, the list of the generated GCode files for the current CAM-Part is displayed in the Copy GCode dialog box.


    1. Choose the *.tap file you want to copy to another directory (for multiple selections, use the Ctrl or the Shift key).

    2. Transfer the list of files you want to copy to the middle field by clicking the arrow.

    3. Choose the drive and the directory you want to copy to.

    4. Click the Copy button in order to execute the command.



This option enables you to print the GCode file.


This option enables you to display a list of the GCode files already generated for the current CAM-Part or operation. The GCode (*.tap) file will be opened with the text editor defined in GCode Settings. Use the editor to change, save or print the GCode file.