Managing Operations in the SolidCAM Manager tree

Operation Sequence

You can change and rearrange the sequence of operations in SolidCAM Manager. Drag the operation to its new place in the operation list.

Undo Sequence

This command enables you to undo your last change in the sequence of the operation list.


This command enables you to separate your list of operations before the GCode generation. If you place splits after operations and click GCode All, separate NC-programs are generated for each operation or group of operations located between the corresponding splits. Each split has a name and acts like a folder containing operations, fixtures, etc.

Expand tree

This command enables you to open the operation list so that all the geometries used in each operation are displayed in the tree structure of SolidCAM Manager.

Collapse tree

This command enables you to reduce the operation list so that only the operation names are displayed in the tree structure of SolidCAM Manager.

Show/Hide Tools in tree

This command displays or hides the entries of tools used in the part operations.


The right-click menu available on the tool entries enables you to change the tool and manage the tool data for multiple operations where the same tool is used.

  • Change Tool

This option enables you to change the selected tool directly from SolidCAM Manager.

  • Change Tool Data

This option enables you to manage the tool data for multiple operations where the selected tool is used.

Show/Hide CoordSys in tree

This command displays or hides the entries of Coordinate Systems used in the part operations.

Indent according to Tools/CoordSys

This command available in the right-click menu on the Operations header enables you to indent all the operations in the CAM-Part according to the Tools/Coordinate Systems. This option is enabled when Show tool images in activated in the CAM Tree view.

Indent according to Tools

Indent according to CoordSys

Automatic Sorting

This option enables you to sort your operations according to the following criteria:

Standard sorting :

  • Coordinate System
  • Upper plane
  • Use Center drill first
  • Sort Drill radius
  • Move Drills to end

Advanced sorting:

  • by Tool number
  • by Tool type and diameter
  • Minimize position change

Undo Sort

This option returns the automatic sort to the original order.