Defining the Section geometry

In Translated Surface and Slot operations, you must select a Section geometry. These 2.5D operations can be defined using 2D geometries only. Use section geometries to define depth profiles for Translated Surface and Slot operations.

Adding a Section geometry

  1. In the Section Geometry dialog box, click Add to add chains to define the section geometry.

2. The Chain Options dialog box is displayed.

  1. Pick on the edges or lines that make up your section and then confirm by clicking the button.

  1. Click Pick point to pick the reference point. This point defines the level of the section relative to the upper level of the operation.
  2. The Pick Z-Reference point dialog box is displayed. Pick the point on the model and then confirm by clicking the button.

6. Confirm the Section Geometry dialog box with the button.


Editing a Section geometry

You can edit the section or redefine the reference point of the section.

  1. In the SolidCAM Manager, right-click the section geometry and choose Edit from the menu.

  1. In the Section Geometry dialog box, click Pick point to pick the reference point again or click Edit/Replace to edit or replace the section chain using the Chain Options dialog box.

  1. Click the button to confirm your changes and close the respective dialog boxes.


Spline Approximation

This field enables you to define the Spline approximation tolerance for the chain selection.