
The Link page enables you to define the Ramping, Approach/Retract and Links parameters of the Rotary Machining operation. The default Lead-In/Out page is enabled when Finishing Strategy is selected in the Geometry page. The default Lead-In/Out page is similar to the Default Lead-In/Out page of other Sim 5-Axis operations. Refer the following parameters - Tangential arc, Tangential line and Orthogonal line used for the approach/retreat movements.


Approach moves

Ramp type

This option allows you to define the type of approach movement. The following options are available to define the ramp type:

  • Auto- Auto is set as default. This indicates that the ramp type will be selected automatically by fulfilling user-defined and collision-free conditions. The following sequence is used in the selection of a suitable ramp type: Line - Helical - ZigZag - Profile. For example- If the Line type causes collisions and cannot be applied, then the Helical type will be attempted.

In case where all the ramp types are not suitable, ramps will not be created instead a vertical approach move will be applied. The ramp will rise above the current cutting layer on (Safety distance + Step down) distance.

  • Line- In this option, the lead-in move is defined along an angular line.

  • Helical- In this option, SolidCAM allows helical entry into the stock material, wherein the tool engages the stock with helical interpolation. If Helical ramp cannot be generated using the defined geometry SolidCAM switches automatically to the Profile ramp. You can define either the Angle or Pitch on selecting the Helical option.  

You can specify the range of the Helix diameters through the Min./Max. ramp diameter. In this case, SolidCAM determines the most suitable Ramp diameter from the range.

  • Zigzag- When the length of the ramp is limited, this option allows you to get Zig and zag angular moves. A horizontal movement is used to approach the chain. The movement values are defined in the Ramp angle and Ramp length fields.

  • Profile- When this option is selected, the tool engages the stock following the tool path profile or contour of the part. The Ramp angle value must be specified to define the profile move and the angle at which it engages the stock.

Ramp angle

The Ramp angle defines the angle with which the tool enters the next slice or pass.


Ramp length (tool diameter %)

This option allows you to define the ramp length as percentage of the tool diameter.

This option is available only when Ramp style is selected as Auto, Helical, or Zigzag.

Min. ramp diameter (tool diameter %)

When this check box is selected, it limits the minimum diameter of the ramping movement to the specified value.

This option is available only when Ramp style is selected as Auto, Helical or Zigzag.


The Approach/Retract tab is available only with the options of First entry and Last exit.

The First entry section has the options of Approach from rapid distance and Approach from feed distance. The Last exit section has the options of Retract to rapid distance and Retract to feed distance.


The Links tab is similar to the Links tab in Multiaxis Machining operation.

If the retract distance is less than or equal to the feed distance or to the air safety movement distance, the maximum value between (retract distance, feed distance, air safety movement distance) is applied instead of the retract distance.