Selected Faces dialog box

The Selected faces dialog box enables you to define the boundary by selecting drive and check faces.


This section enables you to define the boundary name and the tolerance that is used for the boundary creation.

Drive faces

This section enables you to define Drive faces – the set of faces to be milled. The tool path is generated only for machining of these faces. Define displays the Select Faces dialog box used for the faces selection. The Offset edit box enables you to define the offset for the Drive faces. When the offset is defined, the machining is performed at the specified offset from the Drive faces.

Check faces

This section enables you to define Check faces – the set of faces to be avoided during the generation of the tool path. Define displays the Select Faces dialog box used for the faces selection. The Offset edit box enables you to define the offset for the Check faces. When the offset is defined, the machining is performed at the specified offset from the Check faces.