Turbo 3D HSR/HSM Feed Control

 The Feed Control tab allows you to define the feed control parameters for Turbo 3D HSR/HSM.

Feed zone control

The Feed zone control parameter allows you to define a volume to determine an area in which a higher or lower percentage of the cutting feed rate can be set. Select the Feed control zone check box. The Feed control zone dialog box is displayed.

Feed Zone

You can choose the appropriate geometry from the list or define a new one by clicking . The Select Faces dialog box is displayed. This dialog box enables you to define the geometry for feed zone.


This field enables you to put an additional offset value on the feed control geometry in order to let the tool slow down before it enters the actual feed control geometry.

Inside / Outside feed rate %

The Inside and Outside feed rate percentage fields define the feed rate inside and outside of the feed control geometry as a percentage of the actual cutting feed rate.

The Feed Control Zone surface must be separate from the Drive surface. You can achieve this by allocating an Offset value.

Rapid motion in G1 mode

When the Rapid motion in G1 mode check box is selected, the resulting GCode does not contain G0 commands. The rapid movements are performed using the feed rate defined by the Rapid feed rate parameter.

Example: G1 X-2.942 Y75.567 Z24.402 A-88.436 B-26.482 F9998 M11

When Exclude first and last movement check box is selected, the rapid movements that are performed using the feed rate, do not take into consideration the first and the final movements during GCode calculations.

Rapid approach

Selecting this check box enables you to use Rapid feed rate for tool approaching in case when the tool path start point is located in air outside the part and stock material. This option is available when the Operation is selected as Turbo 3D HSR.

Rapid retract

Selecting this check box enables you to apply rapid speed for retract rate. This option is available when the Operation is selected as Turbo 3D HSR.

Adaptive feed rate

Selecting this check box enables you to automatically adapt the feed rate of the tool depending on the engagement volume in the material. Minimum feed rate % is applied in case of 100% engagement. This option is available when the Operation is selected as Turbo 3D HSR.

Feed rate for direct/spline links

This section enables you to define determined feed rates for direct links and spline links that correspond with the machining feed rate.

When you select the Area links check box, you can set the value of connection moves between the offset cuts in a single group or, connection moves between different groups inside a single region on the same cutting layer.

When you select the Links between slices check box, you can set the value of connection moves between the cutting layers on multiple heights.

When you select the Links between regions check box, you can set the value of connection moves between the different machining regions. This option is available when the Operation is selected as Turbo 3D HSR.


Related Topics

  1. Turbo 3D HSM Tool Data