
This tab enables you to define the parameters of the tool path linking.

Area links

This section allows you to define links between tool path in the same level. The links can be defined within the group and between two different groups.

Within group

This list specifies the connection moves between the offset cuts in a single group.

Between groups

This list specifies connection moves between the different groups inside a single region on the same cutting layer.

The following options are available in these two lists:

Direct- This option enables you to apply straight line connection between the passes on the shortest way without any retracting movements.

Blend spline- This option enables you to apply tangential arcs connection between the passes.

Retract to feed distance- This option enables you to apply straight line connection between the passes with retracting tool to the specified feed distance.

Retract to rapid distance- This option enables you to apply straight line connection between the passes with retracting tool to the specified rapid distance.

Retract to clearance area- This option enables the use of straight line connection between the passes with retracting tool to the specified clearance area.

Use ramp/Don’t use ramp

This list allows you to use ramp or not with the first entry movement.

Links between slices

This section enables you to specify connection moves between the cutting layers on the multiple heights.

The following options are available in this list:

Direct- This option enables you to apply straight line connection between the slices on the shortest way without any retracting movements.

Blend spline- This option enables you to apply tangential arcs connection between the slices.

Step- This option enables you to apply link type that contains retraction, connection and vertical approach segments. The connection is located in the tool plane between the slices. Each segment has its own feed rate.

Retract to rapid distance- This option enables you to apply straight line connection between the slices with retracting tool to the specified rapid distance.

Retract to clearance area- This option enables the use of straight line connection between the slices with retracting tool to the specified clearance area.

Use ramp/Don’t use ramp

This list allows you to use ramp or not with the first entry movement.

Links between regions

This section enables you to specify connection moves between different machining regions.

The following options are available in this list:

Direct- This option enables you to apply straight line connection between the machining regions on the shortest way without any retracting movements.

Blend spline- This option enables you to apply tangential arcs connection between the machining regions.

Retract to rapid distance- This option enables you to apply straight line connection between the machining regions with retracting tool to the specified rapid distance.

Retract to clearance area- This option enables the use of straight line connection between the machining regions with retracting tool to the specified clearance area.

Hatch passes link

When the Technology is set to THSR Hatch, this section allows you to specify maximum allowed length of hard links between parallel roughing cuts. If actual length of the link is bigger than threshold value, retract link type is applied.

Use Lead out Arcs

The Use Lead-out Arc option creates Lead-out arc for each step down to avoid any possible tool contact with machining surfaces or in-process stock which can lead to shatter marks or even collisions.

All retracts will follow Air move safety distance.

Generally, Air move safety distance should be smaller than Retract as it is used by the tool to retract more than the retract distance, in case of an obstacle in the way.

If a link cannot be applied, the following fallback mechanism is used.

  1. If a Direct or Blend spline cannot be created, SolidCAM tries to create a Retract to feed distance link.
  2. If a Retract to feed distance link cannot be created, SolidCAM tries to create a Retract to rapid distance link.
  3. If a Retract to rapid distance link cannot be created, SolidCAM creates a Retract to clearance area link.

A link cannot be created if the originally chosen link is in collision or, for the retracts links, if the Air move safety distance is not followed.


Related Topics

  1. Approach/Retract
  2. Ramping