Depth associativity

The following operations parameters are associative to the SOLIDWORKS model.

  • Clearance level

  • Upper Level

  • Lower Level

The associativity is saved only for the following picked items:

  • Vertex

  • Sketch point

  • Reference point

  • Part origin

  • Planar face parallel to the XY-plane of the current Coordinate System

  • Plane parallel to the XY-plane of the current Coordinate System


The Pick Lower level dialog box displays the Z-coordinate of the picked point. If the value is associative to the model, the edit box is highlighted in a color chosen in the CAM Settings.

When the parameter is defined by picking model entities, SolidCAM displays the Z-coordinate of the picked point in the related edit box. The fill of the edit box changes the color. The value displayed in this edit box is associative to the solid model.

When you type in this edit box, the associativity is removed.

The associative parameters are displayed in SolidCAM Manager under the operation entry.

When the parameters are not synchronized, the parameters and the parent operation are marked with the synchronization mark .

The synchronization commands are available for operations in the right-click menu.

  • The Synchronize command enables you to synchronize the values of the parameters with the updated model.

  • The Synchronize & Calculate command enables you to synchronize the parameters value with the updated model and calculate the operation after the synchronization.

  • The Check Synchronization command enables you to check the model for updates affecting the specified parameter.

  • The Break Z-Levels Associativity/Break Associativity command enables you to break the associativity between Z-Levels parameters and the solid model. The confirmation message is displayed.

  • The Show command highlights the model entity with which the depth parameter is associated. The Show Geometry dialog box is displayed. The Exit button enables you to return to the normal model view.

When the synchronization fails, SolidCAM marks the operation and the parameters with the exclamation mark.

The parameters definition can be edited in the operation dialog box. You have to either type the necessary values or redefine the points on the model. In the first case, the associativity is removed.