
This section enables you to define the type of the operation. SolidCAM provides you with the following HSS operation:

Parallel cuts

This strategy enables you to generate the tool path with cuts that are parallel to each other.

This strategy has three modes:

    • Linear

When this option is chosen, the tool path cuts are generated in the Linear manner. In this mode, in the orientation of slices is defined by XY plane.

    • Constant Z

When this option is chosen, the tool path cuts are generated in the Constant Z manner around the chosen axis.

    • Hatch

When this option is chosen, the tool path cuts are generated in the Linear manner. However, the orientation of slices is defined by ZX or YZ plane.

Parallel to Curve(s)

Parallel to Surface

Perpendicular to Curve

Morph between two boundary curves

Morph between two adjacent surfaces
