HSS Operation

SolidCAM HSS is a High Speed Surface machining module for smooth and powerful machining of localized surface areas in the part, including undercuts. It provides easy selection of the surfaces to be machined, with no need to define the boundaries. It supports both standard and shaped tools.

The SolidCAM HSS module provides numerous surface machining strategies that produce efficient, smooth, gouge-free and optimal tool path to finish the selected surfaces.

HSS provides special tool path linking options, generating smooth and tangential lead-ins and lead-outs. The linking moves between the tool paths can be controlled by the user to avoid holes and slots, without the need to modify the model’s surface. Retracts can be performed to any major plane.

HSS is the CAM module that takes your 2.5D machining way beyond profiles, pockets and faces, providing a 3D machining capability by driving along specific surfaces on prismatic and 3D parts.

The HSS tool path is focused on single or multiple surfaces and excels in creating a flowing tool path on a group of surfaces that make up a complex 3D shape, e.g. fillets.

The advantages of the SolidCAM HSS module translate to significantly increased surface quality. The SolidCAM HSS module is an important add-on for every machine shop for the machining of all types of parts.

Define an HSS Operation

To add an HSS Operation to the CAM-Part, right-click the Operations header in SolidCAM Manager and choose the HSS command from the Add Milling Operation submenu.

You can also click the HSS icon displayed on the SolidCAM Operations or SolidCAM 3D ribbons of Command Manager.

HSS Operation dialog box


The parameters of the HSS operation are divided into a number of subgroups. The subgroups are displayed in a tree format on the left side of the HSS machining operation dialog box. When you click a subgroup name in the tree, the parameters of the selected subgroup appear on the right side of the dialog box.

    • CoordSys

Define the CoordSys Position for the HSS operation.

    • Geometry

Choose geometry for machining and define the related parameters.

    • Tool

Choose a tool for the operation and define the related parameters such as feed and spin.

    • Levels

Define the Clearance area and the machining levels.

    • Tool path parameters

Define the machining parameters.

    • Tool control

Define the tool control parameters.

    • Link

The Link and Default Lead-In/Out pages enable you to define how the HSS cutting passes are linked to the complete tool path.

    • Gouge check

The Gouge check and Clearance data pages enable you to avoid the tool gouging of any selected drive and check surfaces.

    • Roughing and More

Define the parameters of the HSS roughing.

    • Machine control

Define the parameters related to the kinematics and special characteristics of your CNC-Machine.

    • Misc. parameters

Define a number of miscellaneous parameters and options related to the tool path calculation.