Stock definition

This button displays the Stock definition dialog box that enables you to define trimming of the HSS passes to the pre-machined or casting stock faces to avoid unnecessary air cutting.

When the Avoid air cuts using following stock definition check box is selected, SolidCAM calculates the Updated Stock model after all the previous operations. SolidCAM automatically compares the updated stock model with the operation target geometry and machines the difference between them.

SolidCAM provides you with two modes for the Updated Stock model calculation: Automatic and Manual. For CAM-Parts, the mode can be specified in the Updated Stock calculation page of the Part Settings dialog box. In the Automatic mode, SolidCAM automatically calculates the Updated Stock model for the previous operations. In the Manual mode, SolidCAM enables you to manually save the Updated Stock model after the SolidVerify simulation and use it for avoiding air cuts. SolidCAM notifies you about chosen Update Stock model method using the Update Stock model method is parameter.

Machined Stock Name

Check for collision

Trim contours shorter than

Avoid trimming in case gap smaller than

Trim only full contours