Interoperational tool movements

This page contains options that enable you to control the interoperational movements.

These settings are used as defaults for each new CAM-Part. During the process of a CAM-Part definition, the settings can be customized for the current CAM-Part with the Interoperational tool movements page of the Part Settings dialog box.

Part Clearance level

All the interoperational movements will be performed through the Part Clearance level.

Operation Start level

When two neighboring operations use the same Coordinate System, Tool and Tool offset, the interoperational movement between them will be performed through the Operation Start level of the second operation.

SolidCAM enables you to change the settings even when a CAM-Part is opened.

When you switch to the Operation Start level mode, SolidCAM enables the Start level fields in all the operations and defines the Start levels equal to the Part Clearance level of the related Coordinate Systems. All the interoperational movements will be implemented through the appropriate Start levels.

When you switch to the Part Clearance level mode, SolidCAM disables the Start level field in all the operations. All the SolidCAM operations (except for Sim. 5-Axis operations) have to be recalculated. After the recalculation, all the interoperational movements will be implemented through the Part Clearance levels of the appropriate Coordinate Systems.