Chain sorting

The Chain sorting option enables you to define the order in which you want the chains to be created.

Sort by Distance

The chain closest to the last chain is chosen using two options:

  • End to Start

The next chain is the chain with the start point closest to the end point of the last chain.

  • Start to Start

The next chain is the chain with the start point closest to the start point of the last chain.

Sort by Value

The next chain that is closest to the last chain in a given direction is chosen.

  • X start

    The next chain is the one in the X direction.

  • Y start

    The next chain is the one in the Y direction.

  • Reverse

    The direction of the chains changes (X-start: Left to Right; Y-start: Upward or Downward).

Polar Sort

Chains are selected around a specific point. If no point is chosen, the default point is the CoordSys origin of the CAM-Part.

  • CW Direction

    The order of the chains is in clockwise direction around the point.

  • CCW Direction

    The order of the chains is in counterclockwise direction around the point.

  • Change center position

    The center position is chosen either by entering X-/Y-values or by picking a point on the model. 

  • Start angle

    This field controls the angle between the start point of the chain and the point of rotation.