Chains Selection dialog box

The Chains Selection dialog box enables you to define a number of chains on the model by selecting its elements. The program automatically creates chains from the selected elements.


  • Select – this mode enables you to select the elements to define the chains.
  • Unselect – this mode enables you to unselect the previously selected elements.


    • Edges

SolidCAM enables you to choose model edges to build a chain geometry.

    • Text

SolidCAM enables you to choose text to build a chain geometry.

    • Faces

When this mode is chosen, SolidCAM enables you to pick a model face. All the loops of this face are collected and closed geometry chains are created. The Loops filter is applied to the collected loops to exclude all those that do not match the specified criteria.

Selection filter

When this option is selected, you can define a range of Z-levels as a filtering criterion using the From and To edit boxes. The range can be defined either by typing the values in the edit boxes or by direct picking on the solid model when the cursor is placed in the relevant edit box. The Z-coordinate of the picked position is displayed in the edit box.

Loops filter

When the Loops filter option is selected, the External loop and Internal loops check boxes are available.

CAD selection

Click this button to select the chains with the Host CAD tools.

Get all

This button enables you to select all of the model elements.

Sort type

When there is more than one chain, this option enables you to determine the chain you would like to start from. The Sort chains dialog box is displayed.

Chains direction

This option enables you to determine the cutting direction of each chain. The Chains direction dialog box is displayed.

View chains

This option enables you to see the chains before they are created.