Bull nose mill

A tool of this type is defined with the parameters shown in the image.

The Corner Radius (R) value of a Bull nose mill tool must be in the range from 0 to half the Diameter (D) value.

The diameter and the length of the cylindrical arbor are defined as Arbor Diameter (AD) and [Total Length (TL) - Shoulder Length (SL)], respectively. The Shoulder Length (SL) value must be greater than or equal to that of the Cutting Length (CL), and equal to or smaller than that of the Outside Holder Length (OHL).

Shoulder diameter (SD) defines the diameter of the shoulder cylinder. The value of the Shoulder diameter parameter should be greater than 0.

Shoulder angle (SA) - This field enables you to specify the shoulder angle of the side of the tool. If the Shoulder diameter (SD) and Arbor Diameter (AD) values are same, Shoulder angle (SA) is disabled. If the Shoulder diameter (SD) and Arbor Diameter (AD) values are not same, Shoulder angle (SA) values must be within the range of 0-90.

When a new tool is created, the default value of the Arbor Diameter (AD) is equal to that of the Diameter (D), and the default value of the Shoulder Length (SL) is equal to that of the Cutting Length (CL).


Related Topics

  1. Tool types
  2. Topology page