Default GCode numbers

Program number

This field enables you to define the block number of the first line in the generated output NC-program.

This field has ranges that are controlled from the VMID parameters.

Min Program Number = 1

Max Program Number = 9999

Default Program Number = 5000

In this case, the default number is 5000. You can change this value and type a number between 1 and 9999. Typing any number beyond this range is followed with the message:

Subroutine number

In this field, you can define the number of the first subroutine procedure in the generated output NC-program.

This field has ranges that are controlled from the VMID file parameters.

Min Procedure Number = 1

Max Procedure Number = 9999

Default Procedure Number = 5001

In this case, the default number is 5001. You can change this value and type a number between 1 and 9999. Typing any number beyond this range is followed with the same message as above.

In some machines (for example, Fanuc), the main program number and subroutine number cannot be the same. SolidCAM does not warn you about this problem. In order to prevent this situation, you can set the main program range from 1 to 1000 and the subroutines range from 1001 to 9999 in the VMID file.