
The Lead-In/Out parameters enable you to define the parameters used for the approach/retreat movements. In Simultaneous Turning operation, on the Link page, select Use lead-In/Out and click , the Lead-In/Lead-Out dialog box pops-up.


Use default Lead-In/Out - The parameters defined in the Default Lead-In/Out page are selected.


Lead Parameters


SolidCAM enables you to choose one of the following types for the approach/retreat movements:

Tangential Arc

The approach/retreat movement is performed with an arc tangential to the drive surface. The approach/retreat arc is generated in the plane orthogonal to the tool axis. Therefore, the arc orientation also depends on the tool tilting (see topic 7.1.3). In the illustration, the tool tilting angle is 45°. Therefore, the arc orientation is also 45° to the drive surface. Setting the tilting angle to 0° enables you to perform an arc approach/retreat movement in a vertical plane. When the tilting angle is 90°, the approach/retreat arc is generated in a horizontal plane.

Reverse tangential arc

The approach/retreat movement is performed with an arc tangential to the drive surface, like the Tangential arc option, but with the direction of the approach/retreat arc reversed. The approach/retreat arc is generated in the plane orthogonal to the tool axis.

Vertical tangential arc

SolidCAM performs the approach/retreat movement with an arc tangential to the drive surface located in the plane of the tool axis. Note that when the side tilting options (see topic 7.1.3) are used, the plane of vertical tangential arc is not changed. Selecting this option displays the Auto check box. When you select this check box, the arc is automatically extended or trimmed until it reaches tangency with the tool axis.

Reverse vertical tangential arc

SolidCAM performs the approach/retreat movement with an arc tangential to the drive surface located in the plane of the tool axis, similar to the Vertical tangential arc option, but the direction of the approach/retreat arc is reversed.

Horizontal tangential arc

SolidCAM performs the approach/retreat movement with an arc tangential to the drive surface located in the plane of the cutting movement. The arc orientation is independent from the tool orientation.

Orthogonal arc

SolidCAM performs the approach/retreat movement with an arc orthogonal to the cutting pass located in the plane perpendicular to the tool axis. The approach/retreat arc orientation also depends on the tool tilting

Tangential line

SolidCAM performs the approach/retreat movement with a line tangential to the cutting pass.

Reverse tangential line

With this option SolidCAM performs the approach/retreat movement with a line tangential to the cutting pass like the Tangential line option, but the direction of the approach/retreat line is reversed.

Orthogonal line

SolidCAM performs the approach/retreat movement with a line orthogo

Position line

With this option SolidCAM uses start point and direction as input and interpolates the tool positions from the line to the first and last point in the contour. The line that positions the tool is defined as Direction.

Vertical profile ramp

With this option SolidCAM allows the lead to follow the tool path contour shape till it reaches a specified length and height. The ramp direction is along the cutting direction.

Reverse vertical profile ramp

With this option SolidCAM allows the lead to follow the tool path contour shape till it reaches the specified length and height. The ramp direction is opposite to the cutting direction.



This option is useful when regular approach/retreat by arc is obstructed by part or fixture geometry and therefore will result in a collision between the tool and the machined workpiece. The defined approach/retreat arc can be flipped to ensure unobstructed access to the drive surface (and/or unobstructed exit in the end of machining).

When this check box is selected, the lead move is flipped to the opposite side from its initial orientation, as if it was mirrored relative to the tool path.


Tool Axis Orientation

SolidCAM enables you to control the tool orientation during the approach/retreat movement.

  • Fixed

The tool orientation is constant during the approach/retreat movement. The orientation changes at the start/end point of the cutting pass.


  • Variable

The tool axis orientation continuously changes during the approach/retreat movement. This option enables you to avoid marks on the part surface caused by the tool rotation at the start/end point of the cutting pass.



Max. angle change

In case of large macro moves, the total change of tool axis orientation might be great. Therefore, SolidCAM enables you to limit the total change of tool axis orientation along a macro move with the Max. angle change parameter.


Approach/Retreat parameters ( Use the..)

In this section, SolidCAM enables you to define the approach/retreat arc or line by the width and length parameters.

  • Width/Length

The Width and Length parameters define the bounding rectangle surrounding the arc. The defined arc has a 90° sweep.


  • Arc sweep/Arc diameter

SolidCAM enables you to specify the diameter of the approach/retreat arc using the percentage of the Arc diameter to the Tool diameter. For example, when a tool with the diameter of 10 mm is used and the percentage parameter is set to 200%, the resulting approach/retreat arc diameter is 20 mm.


The Arc Sweep parameter enables you to define the angle of the approach/retreat arc segment.


This parameter enables you to define the incremental height of the first point of the approach/retreat movement. When the approach movement is performed with a line, the Height parameter enables you to perform inclined ramp approach. When the approach movement is performed with an arc, the Height parameter enables you to perform a helical approach.

Feed rate %


This parameter enables you to define the feed rate for the approach/retreat movement.


Related Topics

  1. Adding an operation