Simulation Menu

Simulation Menu has the following tabs:



Simulation Run Speed




The simulation tab provides you with a number of toolbars enabling you to control the simulation process and the model visualization in the graphic area. The arrow near each toolbar enables you

to customize this toolbar by displaying or hiding certain buttons. The Simulation tab provides you the following simulation buttons:

    Backplot enables you to see the tool path visible without material removal at this stage.
    Material Removal enables you to see only material removal, no tool path is visible at this stage.

NC Mode enables you to use the NC code positions from the move list. In this mode, the machine motion jumps from one position to the next.

  Time Mode enables you to see the machine simulation with real time feed rate motions.    
  Length Mode simulates the machining process with a constant speed, distance, and time regardless of the feed rate. This mode allows you to jump the simulation to any position along the simulation. The tool jumps to a specific tool path distance and collisions are not verified over the skipped distance.  


Workpiece/ Stock - In this option, only tool and workpiece are visible. The workpiece is stationary, and the tool moves around the workpiece.


Machine - In this option machine and workpiece are visible. The machine is stationary, and workpiece is mounted on the table.
  Tool - In this option, only tool and workpiece are visible. The tool is stationary, and workpiece moves around the tool.


The Simulation tab also provides you the following control buttons:


Step Back / Previous Op - Step Back allows you to step through the tool path to the previous single tool path segment. Previous Op allows you to navigate to the previous operation. When you select

this button, the collision checking and other algorithm checking algorithm is disabled. This function only allows you to reach quickly to the position that you want to check in detail.

Run - Starts the simulation. The option of Loop Run starts the simulation again once it is over.

Stop - Stops the simulation.

Fast Forward - Starts the simulation from the selected step and goes to the last position from last operation without showing the simulation process on the simulation window. If any collision takes place  during this operation, then this collision is reported.

Step Fwd / Next Op - Step Forward allows you to step through the tool path to the next single tool path segment. Next Op allows you to navigate to the next operation. When you select this, the collision checking and other algorithm checking algorithm is disabled. This function only allows you to reach quickly to the position that you want to check in detail.

Restart - Starts the machining over again from the beginning.

Simulation  Run Speed

This control bar allows you to run the simulation faster/slower or to show simulation with some steps on the display screen.


The Simulation tab also provides you the following buttons responsible for the display of the simulation model:

Fit enables you to adjust the simulation model size to the graphic area.


Isometric enables you to rotate the simulation model into the isometric view.


Top enables you to rotate the simulation model into the top side view.


Front enables you to rotate the simulation model into the front.  

Right enables you to rotate the simulation model into the right side view.


Bottom enables you to rotate the simulation model into the bottom side view.


Back enables you to rotate the simulation model into the back side view.


Left enables you to rotate the simulation model into the left side view.  


The Simulation tab also contains commands that enable you to control the display of various machine and model components:

Toolpath enables you to toggle the display of the tool path in the graphic area of the simulation.


Tool enables you to toggle the display of the tool in the graphic area of the simulation.

Fixture enables you to toggle the display of the fixture in the graphic area of the simulation.


Workpiece enables you to toggle the display of the workpiece in the graphic area of the simulation.

Stock enables you to toggle the display of the stock model in the process of machining. When the stock is displayed, you can perform solid verification of the material cutting process in the SolidVerify mode integrated into the Machine simulation. The simulation is performed by dynamic subtraction of the tool solid model (using solid Boolean operations) from the stock solid model.

To perform solid verification on the stock model, select the Enable verification check box under Solid verification section in the Machine simulation page of the SolidInventorCAM Settings dialog box. The Stock button is enabled when the Material removal option is used in the Simulation tool bar.


  Initial Stock enables you to toggle the display of the stock initial state before the machining.  


Machine Housing enables you to toggle the display of the machine housing in the graphic area of the simulation.  



 Toolpath Rendering - This submenu contains commands that enable you to choose the mode of tool path display.

Tool Tip/Tool Center- these commands enable you to display the tool path relative to the center or to the tip of the tool.

All Op- this command enables you to display the tool path for all of the part operations all at once.

Thicken Op draws thicker tool path lines for the current operation.

Current Op- this command enables you to display the tool path only for the current operation.

Follow- this command enables you to display the already machined tool path.

Trace- this command enables you to display the tool path to be machined.

Segment- this command enables you to display the segments of the tool path which are currently being machined.

Tool Vector/Toolpath points- these commands enable you to display the vectors of the tool tilting relative to the machined surface (Tool Vector) and the tool path by sequence of points (Toolpath points).

Layer Interval- this command applies/disregards the tool path filter set at Layer Interval Settings. The filtered tool path will be the one contained between the two layer interval planes. Layer Interval Settings- this command configures a visibility filter that contains the tool path between two planes.

Leads/Links- these commands enable you to toggle the display of the tool approach and linking movements.


Current Layer- this command displays only the layer on which the current toolpath area is machined.