Technology page

The Technology page of the Manual Turning Operation dialog box enables you to define the technological parameters of the machining.

Cutting options


    • Reverse cutting path

This option enables the tool to retract along the tool path in the opposite direction.

If this option is not selected, the tool retracts according to the parameters defined on the Link page.


Tool side from drive geometry

The drop-down list allows you to define from which side of the drive geometry the tool should approach for machining.

  • Auto

The Auto option is set by default. The tool cuts from the center of the geometry.

  • Center

The tool cuts from the center of the geometry.

  • Left

The tool cuts to the left of the geometry.

  • Right

The tool cuts to the right of the geometry.


    • Left

Tool starts from the last of the geometry.

    • Right

Tool starts from the last of the geometry.

    • Center

Tool starts from the last of the geometry.

    • Auto

Tool starts from the center of the geometry.