

This tab enables you to define the Updated Stock parameters and options relevant for the SolidVerify simulation.

Updated Stock accuracy

This section enables you to define the USM accuracy parameters for the SolidVerify simulation.

  • Tool facet tolerance

This option controls the precision of the tool for the SolidVerify simulation.

  • Tool facet type

In addition to changing the tolerance used for faceting, the application controls the manner in which the faceted tool representation approximates the tool by forcing the representation to be bigger or smaller than the actual tool. For example, if you want to know whether the tool gouged the target part, it would probably be preferable to have a tool representation that is guaranteed to lie outside the bounds of the actual tool.

Internal- The tool representation lies within the actual tool. The vertices of the tool representation will lie on the surface of the actual tool and the facets will lie within the actual tool.

External- The actual tool lies within the tool representation. The vertices will lie at distances up to the faceting tolerance from the surface of the actual tool.

Mixed- This is a combination of the Internal and External modes. The vertices lie outside the actual tool but parts of the facets may lie inside it. This mode is the default and should be used unless there is a specific reason for using one of the other modes as it generates fewer facets and will therefore be faster.

Automatically check and fix solid model integrity

During the faceting of Stock and Target models, the coordinates of facets generated by SolidCAM are often calculated as numbers of the float type with many digits after the point. These numbers cause problems during the SolidVerify simulation, such as self-intersections and gaps in model. The Automatically check and fix solid model integrity check box enables you to use a smart rounding algorithm that removes the noise in facet coordinates so that the model is displayed properly.

Note that the process of fixing may take a long time to complete.