Stock definition - 3D Model

This option enables you to define the Stock boundary by selecting a 3D model.

SolidCAM generates a sketch containing the envelope of the selected solid body. The Stock boundary will be automatically defined in this sketch.



This function creates the envelope line of the specified solid bodies. Consider the revolution body surrounding the specified solid bodies. The section of this revolution body by the ZX-plane of the Turning Machine CoordSys is the envelope; this envelope is a profile of the part that has to be turned in order to create the model geometry.

The envelope takes into account all the external model faces as well as the internal faces.

Model Offset

This option offsets the facet model by the value set in this field. The value entered in this field must be positive or equal to zero.

If you enter a negative value, the following error message is displayed.


Related Topics

  1. Stock model definition