Stock model definition

When you click Stock in the Turning Part Data dialog box, the Stock dialog box is displayed enabling you to define the boundaries of the stock material used for the CAM-Part.


This section displays the Stock model name. You can also choose the model from the previously defined stock geometries.

Show displays the defined Stock model in the SolidCAM Stock model window.

Defined by

This section enables you to define the method of Stock model definition:

High precision (faceting)

When this check box is selected, the box stock is generated through faceting, which results in better visualization of the stock material. With this method, the process of stock generation may take more time to complete.

When this check box is not selected, the box stock is generated using the standard SOLIDWORKS tools.


This option enables you to switch between SOLIDWORKS configurations, in case there are more than one configurations. Choose the necessary configuration for the geometry definition.


This section enables you to choose the type of model elements that will be selected.

You can select an object by clicking on it. When an object is selected, its icon is displayed in the list.

To unselect the object, click on it again or right-click on its icon in the list and choose Unselect from the menu. To remove selection from all objects in the list, click Unselect all.

CAD Selection

This option enables you to select the 3D geometry with the SOLIDWORKS tools.

Facet tolerance

This parameter defines the accuracy of the triangulation of the Stock model. Tight tolerance increases the precision of the triangulation but also increases the calculation time.

Stock boundary sketch

When the Generate envelope check box is selected, SolidCAM generates the stock boundary as a SOLIDWORKS sketch, so that you can use it to create additional sketches (e.g., those of clamps). The new sketch named Stock_Envelope is created in the CAM component of the CAM-Part assembly.

The sketch is located in the ZX-plane of the CAM-Part Coordinate System and contains the stock boundary.