Stock definition - Box

This option enables you to define the Stock boundary as a box surrounding the selected solid model.

When you click on the solid body, SolidCAM generates a 3D box around it. This box defines the geometry of the Stock.

SolidCAM enables you to define the stock by specifying offsets of the box faces from the selected solid body or coordinates of the box boundaries relative to the CAM-Part Coordinate System.

Relative to model

When the Relative to model option is chosen for Mode, the box is defined by offsets from the solid model faces.

The Expand box at section enables you to define the stock by specifying offsets of the box faces from the selected solid body in every direction.

Absolute coordinates

When the Absolute coordinates option is chosen for Mode, the box is defined by specifying coordinates relative to the CAM-Part Coordinate System.

The Coordinates section enables you to define the stock by specifying the box dimensions in X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates.

Take model dimensions enables you to display the dimensions of the box surrounding the model in the respective coordinates fields.

The box defined by absolute values is not associative to the solid model.

Stock size

When the Stock size option is chosen for Mode, the box is defined by specifying the Box size. The Box size section enables you to define the stock by specifying the box dimensions in X, Y, and Z coordinates. The dimensions can be either in mm or inches. Check the radio button corresponding to mm/inch as per your requirement.

The Offset from target section enables you to define the stock by specifying offsets of the box faces from the selected solid body in every direction. The offsets can be equal or values can be specified in the + and - direction by checking the relevant radio buttons.


If you change the Mac 1 Pos 1 in the CoordSys Manager and right-click Stock and select Synchronize. The following message is displayed.       The "Don't show this message again" check box enables you to avoid displaying the message after it appears on the screen for the first time. You can permanently disable this pop-up window by clearing the check box for this message in CAM messages. When the check box is cleared, the message is not displayed, and confirmation of the event is performed automatically.  

High precision (facetting)

When this check box is selected, the box stock is generated through facetting, which results in better visualization of the stock material. With this method, the process of stock generation may take more time to complete.

When this check box is not selected, the box stock is generated using the standard SOLIDWORKS tools.


Related Topics

  1. Stock model definition