Template design

The design of a template is divided into several sections: (main, tool head line, tools, operations, fixtures, etc).

There are two types of sections:

  • sections which are copied to the final document only once (for example, Main section and Tool head line section);

  • sections which are copied to the final document as many times as is the number of particular elements (for example, Tools section and Operations section).

Each section is defined by continual range of cells (so the shape of each range is rectangular).

The sections are order sensitive: for example, if you want to have the Main section located at the bottom of the final document, this section must be located after all of the other sections in the Design worksheet.

Defining the sections

In the Design worksheet, you need to assign a certain number of table cells to each tool path section. Click Name Manager.

The Name Manager dialog box is displayed. This dialog box contains a list of variables that represent the names of tool sheet sections and parameters that can be used in the template design.

Section names in the Name Manager dialog box are preceded with the underscore symbol. These names are hard-coded and cannot be edited. The following section names are available:

  • _MainSection – Main section

The Main section is usually located at the top of the final document. This section always has only one replication in the final document.

  • _ToolSectionHeadline – Tool head line section

  • _ToolSection – Tools section

  • _OperationSectionHeadline – Operation head line section

  • _OperationSection – Operations section

  • _FixtureSectionHeadline – Fixture head line section

  • _FixtureSection – Fixtures section

  • _GeneralSectionXX – General section (XX stands for the numerical index of the section)

The General section is used to enter general data such as comments, signatures, summary information, etc. You can insert several General sections between other sections of the tool sheet template. The maximum number of General sections that can be used is 50. The number of these sections is defined by the opt_num_of_general_sections parameter setting in the Options worksheet.

To define a section, select the variable that represents the section name in the Name Manager dialog box and click .

Select the range of cells to be included into the section in the Design worksheet of your template and click in the Name Manager - Refers to dialog box.

Confirm by clicking in the Name Manager dialog box.