
This page enables you define the default location of the operation templates and to specify the default templates used for each new operation of the loaded CAM-Part.

When a new CAM-Part is being defined, the Part settings for Template defaults are copied from the CAM Settings.

CAM Template Directory

This section enables you to define the default location for SolidCAM templates. You can define the path by entering it in the box or by clicking on the Browse button and choosing the location. In case the chosen folder does not exist, the error message is displayed.

  • Create enables you to create the folder with the specified location and set it as the CAM Template directory.

  • Browse displays the browser dialog box that enables you to choose another location for the CAM Template directory.

The default Templates directory location is ..\Tables\Metric\Templates for Metric units and ..\Tables\Inch\Templates for Inch units.

Operation default templates

This section enables you to assign a default template to each operation type. The Turning tab lists the templates of Turning operations.

This tab contains a table that enables you to define the default templates for each operation type. When the default template use is activated for a specific operation (the check box in the operation type line is selected), the Template column offers you the list of available templates appropriate for this type of operation.

When the template use is activated for an operation type, each new operation of this type will be loaded with the data of the specified template.

Templates activation/deactivation

When you clear the check box in an operation type row to deactivate the use of templates, the list in the Template column is unavailable.

When you select the check box to activate template use for an operation type, the search is performed in the CAM Template directory for suitable templates of this type. The names of the found templates appear in the list, and the first of them is being chosen automatically. If no suitable templates are found, SolidCAM deactivates the use of templates for this operation.

Changing the CAM Template directory

When you change the path to the CAM Template directory, SolidCAM performs a search for suitable templates for all the operations with the activated default template use. When a template for some operation type is not found, SolidCAM deactivates the default template use for this operation type. Found templates are added into the related list. The first found template name is displayed.

The search for templates is not performed for the operation types for which the use of templates is deactivated.

Creating sets of templates (working style)

Consider a folder containing a set of templates. This set contains only one template for each operation type, therefore, all operation types have assigned templates. The set of templates is customized for a specific application (e.g. Mold machining). Consider an additional folder containing a set of templates for another application.

By switching between these folders for CAM Template directory, SolidCAM switches templates for all operation types. This enables you to choose a set of templates for a specific application quickly and easily.


Related Topics

  1. Part Settings
  2. Template