
SolidCAM enables you to create operation templates: once defined, an operation can be saved as a template and its data can be loaded into a new operation of the same type. The saved template data does not include the geometry which must be defined for each operation separately after loading the template. The saved template can optionally include the tool data.

This section provides you with the following functionality:

When a template is loaded into an operation, its name is displayed in the edit box in the Template section.

When you place the mouse cursor over the edit box, the full path to the loaded template is displayed in a pop-up message.

If multiple versions of SolidCAM are installed in your system, the default path would be of the older version of the software. The path can be changed in the SolidCAM template settings.  

When any of the operation data is modified after loading the template, the template name in the edit box is marked with asterisk (*).